Club Level Season Tickets
Due to the demand we closely manage our season ticket offering every year. Our Club Seat Season Ticket process is this;
- As a season ticket holder you will have the first right of refusal on your tickets after every season. You will have until November 1st to renew your seats.
- In the last few years that renewal process has only left a handful of tickets and we have used a Lottery system that gives the winners an “option to purchase” 2 Club Seat season tickets at the current rate.
- In 2024 and 2025 we had 10 sets of tickets available.
- If you are interested in Advertising with us, we do allocate Club Seat tickets for advertisiers. More information here;
- Berm/Standing Room Season Tickets are always available;
Information for Current Season Ticket Holders
- You will be provided with a hard card and lanyard which will get you into all 28 regular season games via the QR code that is on it. These hard cards WILL NOT work for the playoffs.
- Single game Share/Donate/Resell ticket options: You will have 3 options for your single game tickets if you are unable to attend a game; Sharing, Donating, and Re-Selling.
- Sharing: send friends or family members to a game without having to give up your lanyard
- Go to–> click “My Account” or “Sign In” at the top of the screen–>your email is your username, if you can’t remember your password simply click “Forgot Password”–>once you get to your Account Overview page–>click “ManageTickets” on your Season Tickets–>scroll down to the single game of your choice. You can either download the tickets to that game and email them or click “Share Tickets” and enter their name and email address to share them.
- Here is a video on how to do that;
- Donating: we are excited to offer you the option to “Donate” your tickets to a non-profit user group for them to bring one of their members to a Gulls Game! Here is the process;
- Utlizing the “Share” process above, email your single game tickets to
- All tickets sent to the email 24 hours before first pitch will be sent to the list of non-profit user groups, vetted by the Gulls Give Foundation.
- We will do our best with last minute donations by putting them in the Ticket Booth to manage accordingly.
- Ticket Turnback: Can’t make it to a game? Let us sell your tickets for you;
- We will give you a $15 credit each Club Seat that is “re-sold” through our system. The credit can be used for playoff tickets, extra gameday tickets, or next year’s season ticket renewal!
- You will see the Turnback option in your Gulls Ticket account up to 7 hours before each game. ie. Noon on gameday that starts at 7pm.
- Here is how you do it:
- Go to–> click “My Account” or “Sign In” at the top of the screen–>your email is your username, if you can’t remember your password simply click “Forgot Password”–>once you get to your Account Overview page–>click “ManageTickets” on your Season Tickets–>scroll down to the single game of your choice. Click the Turnback button and fill in the info.
- Here is a quick video on how to do so;
- Here’s the fine print:
- The credit will be manually applied to your account within 72 hours of the game that it was sold for.
- There will be no credit applied if the tickets go unsold.
- The tickets must be “resold” through our system.
- Turning your tickets back is a permanent action and cannot be re-added after they have been turned back.
- All tickets will be scanned and your season ticket and QR code will not be eligible for that game if the tickets were previously turned back.
- Please be aware if you plan on “Sharing” any tickets away to friends, family, coworkers, etc. as they will be ineligible for entry if the same tickets are in the Turnback process.
- Only tickets within paid season ticket packages will be eligible to be turned back and are not available for gameday tickets.
- Berm tickets will not be available to Turnback
- Sharing: send friends or family members to a game without having to give up your lanyard
- Club Level – the blue seats in the main bowl
- $630 plus gst per seat
- Loge Legacy Seats – the rotating seats with a drink/food ledge on the concourse
- Center Section – $1,165 plus gst per seat
- RF/LF Sections – $1,040 plus gst per seat
- Berm/Standing Room – access to the Berms and the Standing Room sections
- $315 per season
- Please note; there is no fixed seat or seating area with this ticket