Rain and Smoke Policies
Rain Policy
Umbrellas are allowed in Gulls Field as long as they don’t obstruct the views of fellow Gulls Fans.
In the event of rain there are 3 scenarios that you need to be aware of; a Delay, a Reschedule, and a Cancellation.
- “Delays” – Delays happen in baseball before and during the game in order to try and wait till the weather becomes good enough to play. If a game is delayed and then played there are no refund or credit options for the fan that chooses to leave the game during the delay. In the Western Canadian Baseball League, and professional leagues, the delay option is utilized to try and get games in as rescheduling in a short summer season is very difficult.
- “Rescheduled Game” – If less than 5 innings of a game (4 1/2 if Gulls are ahead) are played your paid ticket serves as a “rain cheque” and will be valid for the re-scheduled game. There are no refund or credit options in this scenario. If you can’t make the rescheduled game you will have the option to resell your ticket to another fan.
- “Cancellation” If the game is cancelled, we will apply a credit to your account for a future regular season game. We will also offer to refund your money if you are unable to return.
If more than 4 1/2 Innings of a game are played and the game is considered ‘official’ and there are no refund or credit options for the fan.
Smoke and Air Quality Policy
We will rarely cancel or postpone games due to air quality. If the air quality index is 8.5 or higher and you can’t make it for respiratory issues we will credit your account. The refund request must be made via email to info@sylvanlakegulls.com prior to the start of the game.
Other Cancellations
Tickets payments are non-refundable. All sales and payments are final.